Tuesday 23 January 2007

At last...the MDC!

Apologies to everybody who has been checking in on this site (in particular Mr Skinner!) for the delay in finally getting this blog up and running. As I will probably have as my epitaph - I've been rather busy! I took my previous "Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius" blog down as it was - how should I put it - potentially copyright infringing. Though I have very little respect for the legalities of copyright (wanna buy an unofficial I Love allofmp3.com T-shirt?!) I do have too much respect for Michael Moorcock - creator of Jerry Cornelius, but also Elric, Hawkmoon, Corum and the many heroes of the Eternal Champion series.

Equally I didn't want people thinking that I thought I was some kind of deluded, needle-gun toting, bisexual, nomad of the time-streams!

Which indirectly leads to what this blog and sister web-site www.multideathcorporation.com will be about. Primarily my two great loves in life - Geeking with technology in an unashamedly pointy-headed and beany-wearing kind of way and Science Fiction in all its noble and amateurishly debased forms.

Apologies if this isn't a gritty, rapid response to crucial issues, laced with scathing satire and incisive analysis of the things-that-really-matter. I leave that to those that do it well, e.g. Skin Flicks and to the Hax (MDC code for lazy cyber-journalists who'd rather regurgitate global, celebrity drivel, than file 50 words of real copy on the injustice outside their door) that don't.

But the twin topics of Technophilia and Sci-Fi affords plenty of scope for sedition . On a planet bulging with e-tards struggling with their portable stereos and reading Angel novelisations, where the deluded think they can complete a tax return or self-diagnose an illness, using a horrendously expensive and broken government site - could it be otherwise?

Expect bad speeling, inane technoprattle, gushing praise for bad Cy-Fi and humiliating demonstrations of my total inability to play computer games.

I hope you enjoy!


CEO MultiDeathCorporation

Wednesday 10 January 2007


Welcome to the multideathcorporation.com Blog